

*Pyramids FC Aims for Win in Mauritania, Despite Challenges – Pacheco*

Jaime Pacheco, the Portuguese Technical Director of Egypt’s Pyramids FC, has set his sights on victory in Mauritania. Despite acknowledging the strength of the opposition and unfamiliar playing conditions, Pacheco insists his side’s sole aim is to claim all three points. Pyramids FC, a major player in African football, always enters a match with a victory in mind, Pacheco said. He highlighted that the team’s immediate goal is to overcome Nouadhibou, securing their sixth point following a first-round win. Pacheco admitted that playing in Nouadhibou’s home ground, surrounded by their fans, adds to the challenge. During a press conference, Pacheco revealed that the synthetic turf in Mauritania poses a significant obstacle. The Pyramids’ squad are accustomed to playing on natural grass, with all stadiums in Egypt featuring such pitches. However, Pacheco dismissed this as an excuse, reiterating the team’s singular objective to win and uphold Pyramids FC’s reputation in Africa. Pacheco expects a tough match, having studied Nouadhibou’s previous performances. He recognised their strength as competitors with a talented squad and solid strategies. Despite this familiarity, Pacheco is determined not to drop any points in the group stage, aiming to secure early qualification for the Champions League quarter-finals. The technical director also called on FIFA to consider abolishing synthetic turf, citing the potential for increased injuries and impaired player performance. He acknowledged the absence of key players like Islam Issa, Ibrahim Adel, Abdullah Said, and Walid El Karti, but expressed faith in his squad’s ability to deliver their best. Pacheco also highlighted the logistical challenges of long-distance travel within Africa. He praised Pyramids FC’s management for providing top-notch travel and accommodation solutions to minimise player discomfort. Finally, Pacheco extended his gratitude to Nouadhibou Club officials and the Mauritanian people for their warm reception. He concluded by expressing pride and satisfaction in dealing with a “very friendly people.”