

Pyramids FC President, Mamdouh Eid, Warmly Received by Mauritanian Football Federation

Pyramids FC President, Mamdouh Eid, who is also the head of the team’s delegation in Mauritania, was invited to the Mauritanian Football Federation’s headquarters by its President, Ahmed Ould Yahya.

Yahya, a member of FIFA’s esteemed council and the Deputy President of the African Football Confederation, extended the invitation in line with Pyramids FC’s African Champions League match against Nouadhibou.

The Mauritanian Federation’s chief, Yahya, provided a hearty welcome to the Pyramids FC President, acknowledging Eid’s significant contributions to the football club and its board of directors. He commended Pyramids FC for swiftly establishing itself as one of Africa’s top ten clubs and praised its efforts in advancing football in Egypt and across the continent.

Yahya further lauded Egyptian football for its rich cultural heritage and its influential figures, including Hani Abo Rida, a key member of FIFA’s council and its executive office.

Symbolic gifts were exchanged between the two Presidents, with a team shirt signed by all Pyramids FC stars presented to Yahya as a gesture of appreciation. Eid praised the dramatic evolution of Mauritanian football under Yahya’s stewardship, which has seen vast improvements in the country and across Africa.

Following the official meeting, Yahya led Eid on a tour of the Mauritanian Federation’s infrastructure, including the sports channel, medical center, auxiliary stadiums, academy premises, meeting rooms, press conference halls, beach football pitches, shopping center, and the federation’s restaurant.

Eid expressed his admiration for the impressive development of the facilities, which he noted are now comparable to international standards.

The two Presidents agreed to continue talks to foster a long-term partnership between Pyramids FC, Nouadhibou Club, and the Mauritanian Football Federation.

As a mark of hospitality, Yahya extended an invitation to Eid and the Pyramids FC management for dinner at his residence, which Eid graciously accepted to attend the following evening.